Friday, September 25, 2015

Why did I become a chiropractor?

So I often get asked the question "What made you decide to become a chiropractor?" When I was in high school my parents and I sat down to try and determine what I wanted to do with my life. I believe I was in grade 10. My parents wanted me to aim for a solid profession, something that I could do for a long time. My dad, being a construction worker, also wanted me not to have to work outside in the freezing cold or the heat for the rest of my life. After discussing the options I decided to research chiropractic and went from there.

Let me preface this just a little as well. I have been adjusted since before I can remember. My sister, who is 5 years younger than I am, was adjusted at the age of 2 weeks due to a particularly hard delivery. My parents actually met in a chiropractors office (my mom was the receptionist and my dad was a patient). I also grew up on a mixed ranch, so I worked with livestock and machinery and was constantly getting banged up. So I was no stranger to chiropractic care.

Right from the start of grade 11 I knew what I wanted to do. And I stuck with it, keeping that aim all the way through undergraduate. Then in Jan 2007 I started chiropractic college at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. My schooling went from something I enjoyed to something I loved.

But for me I don't think the important question is why I got started. For me the most important question is "why do I keep going?" The reason I keep going is pretty simple. I love what I do! I can honestly say I am one of the the lucky ones who gets to go to work and enjoys it. It is something that is a little hard to put into words. I'm always learning and striving to make myself a better chiropractor in order to help those I treat. I realize people come to me with their problems looking for solutions, looking to get better and feel better. It's my job to try to get them back to the life they want to live, or in some cases help them achieve a better life. It's not something I take lightly. So I'm constantly learning, trying to better myself. Plus learning new things is fun!
I strive to do the best I can for people. From the special needs child to the high end athlete I'm always wanting to help. I can never promise results, but what I can promise is that I will try my best.

Why do I keep going? Because I love what I do and I love helping people. What more can someone ask for out of a job?